Thursday 26 April 2012

The new treehouse and the great feast night!

-Yawn- Hello again!

I was just sleeping but I guess its morning now.
I wonder if the new treehouse is built yet?.. Hmm oh well time to wait and see..
Well after breakfast of course!

*Hops out of bed* Yum time for breakfast!
I might take a hot cocoa today mmm yum..

*Drinks up warm hot cocoa* Yum yum! Now thats what I call yum!
Ohhh no! I can hear my sister Amy pla- Wait! You don't know her yet well its time you meet her!
Oh and my brother Pawz yeah its kinda a cute name but oh he is sharp!

Well, As I were saying I can hear my sister Amy playing outside! What if she got first turn on the treehouse!
*Makes picture in head*
Uhh look at her, All to herself.. ): Oh and my brother too ughh!

And hardly any room for meee! I hope it doesn't look like that!
Please please hope so for it to!

*Tilly runs outside with a worried look on her face*
Sis! Bro! My turn let me in! *Looks like she is half crying!*

*Tilly stops and stares* OMG! That is like the most epicest tree house ever!
Might even be more epicer than Ziggy's! Oh I doubt it though... But woah!

Pawz: Hey Tilly, Why were you so sad to begin with?
Tilly: Uhh, I don't want to talk about it ok bro.
Pawz: Sure! Oh I haven't had a turn yet but sis has, Hey sis! Mind if we have a turn?
Amy: Aww really!
Pawz and Tilly: Yeah! Tilly: Oh but i'm a girl you'd let a girl up right?
Amy: I-I don't kn-
Tilly: Great! Come on Pawz!

We both tried to get up but Amy wasn't being nice at all it was OUR treehouse after all!
I cried out to mum *In Australia we don't spell it mom* I said Amy won't share!

Tilly's mum: Amy share or you will be banned from the treehouse.
Amy: Ohhh ok then -Sighs-
Tilly and Pawz: YAY!

So we climbed up Amy finally learned how to share, She found out it was better to share at least and she said sorry too, At least!

Later on in the after noon Ziggy came over for a play.
Ziggy: Hi Tilly, Pawz and Amy!
Then Ziggy just stared with a crrrrazzzy look on her face, She looked like a frozen tiger with big eyes lol

Tilly: Hey Ziggy? Yo-you ok?
Ziggy: *Shakes head* Oh, oh i-i'm ok really I must go n-now I forgot I have work to do my mum might get mad...
Tilly: Oh Ziggy, C'mon you just got here!
*Ziggy runs away*

Oh Ziggy at times she is funny...
Later on it was dinner time but tonight it was the great feast, Don't ask me why because I don't know why we have it.
We all sat down and ate dinner the whole family, Accept our pets..

We have it outside because the table is so big, Also I am not a big eater so I don't like the great feast so much.
Oh we invited the author Sparkykat38 over she was a bunny though, My bro Pawz always dives into the popcorn, (Nobody eats it after that)

Well then its bed time I guess well thats what I did today its not much now is it but soon there may be an awesome adventure somewhere in Jamaa can't wait!

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